
Impromptu speaking Tips

Have you ever wondered why some people always have so much stories to share? On top of that, share these stories with such polished clarity? Don't you wish you could speak like them even in impromptu settings?

The secret lies in a story bank. Start a collection of ready-to-share stories from today, and you can be just one of these eloquent people.

Besides a story bank, you can also have a jokes bank, news bank, quotation bank, etc.

Secondly, consciously follow the framework PREP

For example:
I love Japanese food. 
That is because Japanese food is aesthetically pleasing.
For example, the bento I had looked like pikachu!
That's why I love Japanese food so much!

Lastly, as I covered in my previous post on presentation tips, if you don't practice it, you'll lose it!

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