
How to react when monkeys are stealing from your room

Monkey encounter

For some reason, monkeys were recently spotted on campus. This is not the first time I encountered these nimble creatures, but this is the first time that they appear so close to my hostel. They definitely did not behave that they were visitors. They entered the kitchens and rooms stealing food – with the temerity to enter even when people were inside. Watching them swing from one window to another looking for food was an interesting scene to behold.

Monkey Mess
These became monkey food
Here are the following steps to monkey-proof your room: -

1) Close all windows and door when monkeys are spotted in the vicinity or when no one is in the room.
2) Keep food out of sight. Store them in cabinets or fridges.
3) Double knot your garbage bag to make it less likely for monkeys to hunt and steal food.

If the monkey enters your room,

a) Stop whatever you are doing immediately.
b) Remain calm and quiet. Do not make sudden movement and do not maintain eye contact with the monkey.
c) Without cornering the monkeys, keep hitting the ground with a stick OR shoot a strong jet of water to lead them towards the exit.
d) Do not hit the monkeys.
e) Leave your room and wait for the monkey to leave.

If you encounter a monkey in the open,

a. Do not turn away from the monkeys and run. Do this subtly - look away and back off slowly.
b. Conceal or discard the object in your hand if it is attracting the monkey's attention

For more detailed information and tips, a pamphlet can be downloaded from ecitizen.gov.sg website.

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