
Random trivia that you must know

1) How did the name "Buddha Jump Over the Wall" came about?

Expensive food usually comes with exquisite name. "Buddha Jump Over the Wall" is a famous and interesting example of such food. So how did this name come about?
Buddha Jump Over the Wall is called as such to illustrate that it's so tempting that even monks would jump over the monastery walls to eat this dish.

2) Why does 7-ELEVEn has everything in caps has all letters in CAPS but a small "n" ?

Have you realized that the eleven from 7-11 is spelled in all caps but with a small "n"? If you did, you really do have acute observation skills!

My tour guide shared with us today that this is due to a belief that the letter N points and directs all the fortune outwards, while the small letter "n" point and directs all fortune inwards! There you have it, and perhaps that's why 7-11 is the world's largest chain of convenience stores!

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