
World Cup Trivia: Accurate prediction by blue jellyfish from Japan?

World Cup Japan

Came across an interesting news article by Asahi News today:

For the recent World cup match between Japan and Greece, an aquarium in Yamagata prefecture (Japan) did a prediction of the results using jellyfish that shared the same colour as the Blue Samurais. Guess what?

2 jellyfish were released and out of 8 containers, both the blue jellyfish settled into one of the 2 containers indicating the result is a draw. For those who caught the match this morning, the score was 0-0, and indeed a draw!

You can watch the video and read the article here. It is written in Japanese though.

Japan must win Colombia next to qualify for the next round... Go Japan!!


World Cup Trivia is a series designed for the current World Cup 2014 to give fans more than one ways to savour the game. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting world cup trivia series.. There's too many 'psychic' animals out there.. from paul the octopus to hamsters tiki and taka..
