
Trivia: World Oldest Dog living now is 25

World Oldest Dog

Did you know that 1 human year is equivalent to 7 dog years? However, that is just a popular belief and has nothing scientific behind it, so just take it with a pinch of salt! It is believed that the lifespan of a dog is about 1/7 of a human's.

Anyway, my friend has a terrier about 15 years old, limping , deaf but otherwise healthy. We were very impressed that it could live up to this age, as this was the first time we heard of a dog living more than 10 years. Then the natural question came - how long can dogs live?

The oldest dog of all-time is Bluey with an age of 29. We also have Pusuke but sadly, died in 2011 at the age of 26. The current oldest living dog is reckoned to be Pip at the age of 25 (at time of writing) , however her owner does not have her birth certificate to prove it... bummer


  1. That's great ...
    I really surprised to know this dog has 25 years old. Ok I will to wish the dog lives more time.

    Dog School Singapore


  2. Thanks for your post , Patrick.

    Yes, dogs are often stronger than we think they are. Just recently, there's news on how this particular Jack Russell terrier survived a murderous attempt by someone.

